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Tales From the House Band - Volume 2
  A Plus One Press Anthology

edited by Deborah Grabien
  (See more about the Editor)

Tales From the House Band 2 Cover Welcome to the Plus One House Band's second set.

A village girl on the Isle of Man disregards the rules of her people's bargain with their otherworldly neighbours, and pays the price. A young musician goes on a wild tour of America's parking lots as he follows his favourite band. A paralyzed soul singer reflects back on how he met his great love. A singer in a strange little underground club carries the world in her song. A damned soul makes a classic crossroads guitar swap deal between the devil and a musician, not knowing that the musician has an agenda of his own. A father and son, both flamenco guitarists, spiral down into madness and addiction.

Here are fifteen stories that run from quiet vignettes to apocalyptic science fiction to chilling irony to raucous good fun, all linked together by the music each author offers. So grab a seat, order up something cold to drink, and settle in for a great gig.

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    Plus One Press
    May, 2013
    Trade Paperback
    ISBN-10: 0-9860085-0-8
    ISBN-13: 978-0-9860085-0-4
    5 1/2" x 8 1/2", 268 pages

      $16.95 USD       £11.25       $17.95 AUD

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